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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Profound Idea Night

I own 3/4 of an acre. My house sits on much of it. Trees cover virtually the rest. The previous owner pretty much let the non-house part of the property go wild. Oh sure, they blew the leaves off the most of the grass, but they never cut down a single "volunteer" elm tree, for example.

So I spend lots of time clearing brush - the one thing that I have in common with George "Dubya" Bush. (The similarities end there, trust me.) And I do so listening to the soundtrack of my life in my iPod. The music I chose today was familiar but forgettable, so much so that my thoughts began to wander. I had these profound thoughts during these episodes of mind-wandering:

(Note: Similar to ideas you have while tripping on psychodelic mushrooms, I'm sure these thoughts won't seem nearly as profound once the music is off. Not that I am admitting or endorsing or condoning for that matter the ingestion of psychodelic mushrooms. I've never done that. I only know about it from ... a friend.)

Profound idea #1: Hope is just prayer without a deity. I do lots of hoping, but no praying, being an atheist/agnostic. (Perhaps someone can clear this up for me - if I am pretty darn sure there is no god does that make me an atheist or agnostic? What I'm positive about is that no one can prove to me that there is a god -which I believe is virtually the definition of agnostic - and I'm also positive that I cannot prove ther isn't a god.

Profound idea #2: George Bush isn't evil - just incompetent. Dick Cheney is evil. I accept that I will never know the facts, so I must form my opinions based on data I gather from various news sources and my own intuition. And I believe that Dubya approved the "outing" of a covert CIA operative via leak to the press because "Uncle Dick" convinced him to. I have no proof - it's just a hunch.

Profound idea #3: It would be really cool to have a bunch of family over for a bonfire in the firepit in my back yard. I even have a fire permit!

Profound idea #4: Water flows downhill unless pumped. And this damn tree root is going to create a puddle when it rains because of that fact. Damn! I hate puddles.

Of all that, I guess I need to do something about #3. Later...


Fajita said...

The only real help I can give you here is with #3. A bonfire this Fall sounds really nice. My kids love fire. Not sure if that is a good thing, really. In fact, it kind of scares me. But I'm sure the garden hose won't be far away.

Anonymous said...


I believe Agnostic is a God with no religion, Atheist is no God. Experience with God is a very individual thing, depends on how questions are asked or what form of miracle is begged for.

I too believe Cheney is evil. Can't trust him. Rumsfeld too for that matter.

Nephew Brandon