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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Laughter Pills

Things occur to me when I write (or when I clear brush). Or sometimes while I'm talking I come up with stuff. Gems, really.

Tonight's Gem: People don't laugh out loud enough. My son Jackson has been tense recently - what with the pneumonia, the persistent cough, the bleepin' plantar's wart that WILL NOT GO AWAY, and this god-forsaken No-Child-Tested-Enough testing that's going on in his school right now. Anyway, to cheer him up tonight I put in one of our favorite episodes of The Simpsons - Cape Feare - also known as the 3rd Sideshow Bob episode. It is the one surefire way to make Jackson laugh out loud, no matter what the mood or state of health.

It's like a laughter pill for him. I think we adults need our own laughter pills. What's your laughter pill?

1 comment:

Jo Jo Fat Stuff said...

Listening to Ron White! Or watching my kids play "Crack the Egg" on our tramp!