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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Naming the Bowling Team

Katie and I joined a summer bowling league with a friend of ours. Our first match? game? competition? was last night. It was good fun (except that, unknown to us when we signed up, the bowling alley allows smoking after 9pm) and I didn't manage to injure myself. I'm not really sure how we compete, exactly. I think the first night you just bowl to set an average or something. I'll pass on more as I learn the details.

Being the creative one in the group, I was charged (weeks ago when we initially signed up) with naming the team. My first instinct was Master Bowlers (in college my intramural baseball team was called the Master Batters), which my 2 female teammates nixed immediately. I didn't really give it much thought. Then, while clearing brush (a clear reference to the Profound Idea Night posting) it just came to me.

We are the Pit of De-spare.

Pretty good, eh? What can I say? It's a gift.


Fajita said...

Much better than the names of my childhood bowling team names. They are as follows:

4th grade - Snoopy Steelers
5th grade - Smurfs
6th grade - Work The Woppins Clan

Jo Jo Fat Stuff said...

We went w/ "X" rated! Still laughing at that one :)