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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Next Phase

Katie and I reached a new phase in our lives Friday night. We probably reached it earlier but we didn't know until Friday night.

I'll set the scene - a darkened movie theater, credits rolling (for Fred Claus, a steaming pile of feces on the holiday movie list). Katie, the kids and I are donning our winter coats to head back out to the van.

Owen says, "What if there was a Santa Claus?"

I looked to Katie, who was deflating like a stuck balloon. No, it was more like her puppy had just been assassinated. She was the embodiment of disappointment.

When he saw his mother's disappointment, Owen tried earnestly to backtrack. But the damage was done. It was too late. We finally had the proof that our children no longer believe in Santa Claus.

We knew Megan no longer believed in Santa. I don't remember the exact age she stopped believing, but it's been a while (she's 14 now).

We also knew Jackson no longer believes. It's been well more than a year for him (he's within weeks of his 11th birthday). We did ask him not to tell Owen, who we thought still believed in Santa. He's 9 and probably should have figured it out long ago.

But in our naive desire to keep our kids young, Katie and I spent the entire season pretending that Owen still believed. We covertly carried "Santa's" gifts to a secret hiding spot after purchase. We spoke in hushed tones about which gifts were Santa's and which would be from us. We threw stern looks toward the older siblings every time they mentioned the myth of Santa.

All for naught.

I personally do not remember ever believing in Santa Claus (thank you very much, 10 older siblings, for ruining that for me!). Katie and her younger brother believed for quite some time - deep into elementary school. And even when they no longer believed, they hid that fact from their mother because, they reasoned, it might reduce their Christmas bounty.

Katie and I spent much of Saturday in a subdued state of mourning. After Santa evaporates, this becomes a pretty cruel world, doesn't it? What's next? I guess we won't be sneaking money into their tooth fairy pillows the nights after teeth fall out.

Ugh. They grow up so fast.

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