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Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Last Whimsy

I am still alive, and working on several new pieces - including stories about public transportation and more tales of interest from CCRB (concentric-circled retail behemoth) like how to write "brand". (Oh. My. God! Our internal communications organization has actually published a memo on the proper way to exhibit CCRB "brand" while writing! Holy F**king S**t! Is this necessary? In this memo I learned, among many golden nuggets of great information, that it is "brand" to end an email with "Thanks!" and not "brand" to end with "Thank you." Like, you know, whatever. We're The Gap, not Brooks Brothers.)

For giggles I re-read several old posts and now am wondering where my whimsy has gone. For example, I went to the dentist Monday morning and learned that I've grown another cavity in one of my pristine teeth (that is, one of the few teeth in my mouth that doesn't already have a filling). In the past I could have written an entire post about the experience - expecting that my terrific storytelling could make something so mundane seem interesting - even funny.

Not anymore. Just a dull trip to the dentist. I need to find my whimsy. Need to do more solitary chores - more biking to work and clearing brush. That's it - my whimsy's out in the back yard.

Help me find my whimsy. Please.

Take care.

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